3christs with the peculiar works project!

Jennifer has been cast as Dr. Mary Lou Anderson in Obie-Award-Winning Peculiar Works Project‘s original production of 3Christs, a world premiere site-specific theatrical event by SM DALE and BARRY ROWELL

based on The Three Christs of Ypsilanti, a psychological study by MILTON ROKEACH

Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South (corner of Thompson St.)

Adapted from a true psychiatric case study conducted at Michigan’s Ypsilanti State Hospital, 3Christs tells the story of a pioneering doctor and his three institutionalized patients: Clyde Benson, an elderly farmer and alcoholic with a history of violence; Joseph Cassel, a shipping clerk who yearned to be a writer; and Leon Gabor, a college dropout and war veteran. The doctor compels the men to live together for two years in the hope of curing their delusions. But what happens when the very core of your identity is challenged?

PREVIEWS: Friday & Saturday, September 5 & 6
OPENING: Sunday, September 7
REG. PERFORMANCES: Thursdays – Sundays, September 11 – 28

Previews: ALL SEATS ONLY $10 
Regular: $18 • Stu/Sen $12


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