Jennifer will be contributing to Flux Theatre’s Food:Soul – Understand Our Ground event on Wednesday, November 6th at Judson Memorial Hall.
Food will be served at 7:15pm and scenes will begin at 7:45pm with the scenes and conversation coming to a close around 9:30pm.
Food:Soul is Flux’s potluck play reading series, where we combine the community-building of sharing a meal with an extreme-staged reading of a play we’re passionate about.
This Food:Soul will be a little different: rather than working with a single script, we’ll be collaborating with playwrights, choreographers, poets and other artists to develop artistic responses to the Trayvon Martin murder, trial and the diverse cultural reactions that followed. Through this specific lens, the work created will engage with questions of race, gun violence, masculinity, our justice system and more. After each artistic response, there will be an opportunity for small-group conversation. We will be encouraging a diversity of responses and differences of opinion, with the goal of creating a safe space for people to engage with each other through curiosity and compassion instead of judgement.
See more at: http://www.fluxtheatre.org/2013/10/foodsoul-understand-our-ground/#sthash.XlJ4yZnw.dpuf